06 Feb Fulham AUG 2004
Fifty couples and 4 single women partied until 6am.
Just a quick mail to say what a great time [female partner] and I had on Saturday. As absolute first timers we were slightly nervous but also very excitedbeforehand. I think reading many reviews on your excellent web-site hadhelped us prepare, although we still didn’t quite know what to expect. We decided not to set any rules, but to just decide on the evening what felt right and go with our instincts. Anyway the evening began just like any other party, lots of lovely sociable people, a lovely apartment and plenty of champagne flowing freely. We soon started talking to lots of couples and enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere whilst feeling rather horny at the thought of what was going to happen later. What happened later was exhilarating, bodies entwined everywhere and we soon joined in. We lost count of the number of fantasies we fulfilled and watching [female partner] have sex with a number of gorgeous women was a wonderful experience. We hope we contributed to what was a fantastic evening and would love to come to future parties.
[First timers 34 & 34]
Thanks for the party last weekend we both had a great time, we thought the venue was well done and very welcoming although we were first timers we were made to feel at ease quickly, although we did find a few groups of people stuck together which made it difficult to mingle with them or start a conversation. We found the fun in the rooms amazing and had great fun joining in although ( female partner ) said she loved all the girl fun but could do with getting fucked a little more from the guys next time. we would love to come again, once again thanks and hope to party again soon
[New couple 37 & 30]
Just a note to say “thank you” for the party on the 21st. We had an absolute blast. We knew for sure it would be fun, but the real surprise was that it would have been a great party even without its particular theme. The flat was beautiful, and we met and chatted for hours with some great people – two we have already been in touch with since the party. For sure we’ll be applying to come to another.
[New couple 32 & 33]
Finally recovered enough to write and thank you for a truly wonderful evening. In every aspect “Fever” lived up to my expectations. Everything I had read on the web site was true, which was such a relief. I still cant get over the fact that i was greeted by name when i arrived, for a single girl that really set me at ease. I met so many lovely sexy people and am proud to say that i was one of the very last to leave (not bad for a first timer). I really could not find fault with any aspect of the night, just keep doing what your doing….please!!!
I would love to be invited back and next time i will be applying with my partner. If I can help in any way with future parties please do let me know, this is not an empty offer, I would really love to get more involved. If [deleted] and his partner get in touch, please let them know i lost their phone number, would love to hear from them again, and the very sexy Brazillian girl who was there alone!!! Please thank [deleted] and the boys for a much needed lift home, very kind indeed. Well, thankyou once again for one of the best nites i have ever had, I look forward to meeting you all again in the very near future.
[Single woman 33]
Thanks for another great party. We’re exhausted today – always a good sign! Some lovely single girls there, especially the short haired blonde, and [female partner] also very much enjoyed your ‘friendly’ bar staff! We also liked the couple from Liverpool – if you speak to them regularly, please say hi from us and we hope we bump into them again.
[Regular couple 38 & 34]
We just wanted to let you know that we had a fantastic time. Being first timers and having had some pretty disappointing experiences in swinger clubs we weren’t sure what to expect, but the evening definitely exceeded our expectations. So many gorgeous, friendly and very accommodating people…. couldn’t even count how many we had fun with! We would love to be kept updated of future events.
[New couple 28 & 26]
Everything about the evening was first class, the party totally exceeded our expectations. Everyone was so friendly which made it so easy to enter into the sprit of things. Neither of us can really think of anything that needs changing about the party……oh except maybe a few more towels in the bathrooms 🙂 We’d love to come again so if we make the grade please invite us. Thanks again for a wonderful time
[New couple 26 & 22]
I had a really superb time on Saturday. I would definitely love to come again (no pun intended!) to future events. In terms of feedback, Venue: excellent, though a little hot in the beginning. But after people dispersed this was not an issue. the ‘break-out rooms’ were fine, through I did wonder whether it maybe fun to vary them a little so that you don’t have beds in each one, but possibly a chaise longe and some soft rugs or arm chairs so that people can get into different positions and the ‘landscape’ varies a little. Guests: were fine and very friendly- please clone [Fever hostess]!! She is wonderful. Other details: given there are so many first timers maybe an appropriate sort of ice breaker- nothing too cheesy- was a thought. But it could live without that- people began to mix anyway well enough. Thanks again for a lovely evening- do you know roughly when the next dates are planned?
[Single woman 32]
Yet again a fab party and great to see you. *Great* location – really nice mix of room sizes, nice decor, view etc. Good mix of people. Really good idea having small bottles of water – that worked really well we thought. And in general the bar was great – the girls certainly seemed to enjoy the barmen anyway! How about some cute barmaids next time 😉 Ah maybe not – I’d just spend all night trying to pull them probably – seem to have a thing for barmaids or maybe that’s just in Cap!!
[Regular couple 32 & 32]
hi and congratulations on holding another wonderous party! that venue seemed to be just the right size and with the fantastic view..we had yet another night to remember forever…we really enjoyed meeting [regular couple] again and of course [anglo-french regular couple], and [regular couple] were on fine form too…then i must recommend [first timers] who are fine fine people and lots of fun and also [deleted], a single lady, who was just mmmmm! and thanks also to the barmen for opening tricky bottles of wine for us half naked! i am sure i drank more than i meant to because of this spectacle! it seemed to work well having the lights right down in the living room area this time making every room a party room.. i think we stay later every time..its so hard to leave! i also loved the 70s porn soundtrack in the living room..very appropriate! as i am not sure whether we can make the september party dates (certainly not through lack of interest but due to work commitments), do you have any firm plans for more parties this year so i can have soemthing to look forward to?
[Regular couple 32 & 31, female partner]
Thanks once again for a superb party. By a distance the best crowd yet we felt, a few old faces and a really great group of new ones. We especially enjoyed [new couple], but also had a ball with [first time couple], [new couple], and a lady whose name I think was [deleted] but am not so sure… [regular couple] were splendid as ever. Regrettably we won’t be able to make it to the parties in September, but please consider us for the next one thereafter, whenever and wherever it may be. Fever is still the only party for us – the best there is.
[Regular couple 30 & 31]
Another amazing evening ! The flat was beautiful, and arriving and seeing so many good looking couples, being handed a glass of chilled champagne, hearing the soft music, just made a special evening just perfect. we met some wonderful people, (male) and I managed to make several new friends amongst the first time partygoers. The conversation turned into flirting and beyond, and we have so many memories to cherish … please please arrange more of these … they are getting awfully moreish !!!
As for recommedations / comments …Brazillian girl … (cant remember name, but then you know how bad at that we are) – very nervous at the start, [male partner] chatted to her for ages to chill her out, but when she got her courage up .. she definitely enjoyed herself. “[deleted]?” – Hungarian … WOW !! v v v nice … lovely to chat to, and someone we would love to meet again. “[deleted]” – aboves partner – lovely to talk to, and with all the attributes I was looking for later 😉 [New couple] friends of [deleted] he had dreadlocks – really chatty, good fun, he was nervous but came out of his shell, saw them very involved later on and they seemed v happy Aussie girl – single – mmmmmm really nice and chatty … and ([female patner] adds) a v v v v good kisser … looked beautifully sweaty later too … would love to meet her again. Strewth … looking back on that, and bearing in mind [deleted] and [deleted] also had fun … we were awfully naughty !! (cool) Cant wait to see you again … Can we have a fever week so we can actually get round everyone we want to ?? (lol .. joking, but it shows that the evening flys by….)
[Regular couple 32 & 28]
Just a quick note to thank you for another fantastic fever party, the quality of your guests and venue is so high we have given up going elsewhere. Sorry we did not get much of a chance to catch up, [female partner] enjoyed her warm welcome and was hoping to repay the compliments but things got a little “busy” – maybe next party!
[Regular couple 39 & 38]
Thank you for a wonderful party. We had a fabulous time, met some great people who were both intelligent and sexy and left feeling thoroughly exhausted for all the right reasons. We spent the next day in bed. Enough said! We’d definitely like to come again.
[New couple 33 & 28]
Thanks for the invite to the last party, as always it was a wonderful evening full of delights and naughty fun. Having champagne served for the first hour was a nice touch, we felt the bar has been very well arranged this year. The main reception room looked lovely, the flower arrangements were especially beautiful. There were lots of water bottles to take into the play rooms which was a good improvement on the 1st party of the summer.
[Regular couple 31 & 26]
thanks for a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabuuuuulous night, I had such a great time, had a real spring in my step on Sunday I can tell you:)) Wow is all I can say! Please invite me again as I’m very much interested in future
[Single woman 29]
We had a great time! We felt that it was well organised, the people were beautiful the staff were great, and the venue was gorgeous. Since it was our first time, we found it a little difficult breaking the ice (due entirely to nervousness) and we would have appreciated a regular couple showing us the ropes and perhaps helping to introduce us to other “regulars”. However, we realize that this could have been difficult as we overheard that half of the couples were new aswell. On the bright side, for our next party we feel we definitely have more courage to be more outgoing and introduce ourselves to others to have a more enjoyable mingling session. We definitely would like to attend another party and were curious on what the procedure is…
[First timers 28 & 25]
Thanks for yet another amazing Fever Party, we as always met some fantastic, great looking couples and partied till the early hours. For one reason or another, this time we didn’t actually get to party with many of the new couples (I think we can blame that on [deleted] who kept us fully occupied especially when another couple they knew (Asian guy, blonde girl in the little shorts) and the Brazilian looking girl joined us for a sevensome. WOW!!!! We look forward to the next party as always, unfortunately we have now got the September dates and as the parties are only seperated by a week this time mean that our holiday overlaps both weekends (gutted !!). But we do hope that you will not forget us when the invitations go out for October ! We have recommended the parties to another fantastic couple we know and you should be receiving their application either this week or next. We can vouch for their good looks and ability to enjoy playing with others if it helps. Once again.. Thanks.. and keep up the good work !
[Regular couple 32 & 21]
WOW! [female partner] seemed to enjoy the party or rather me and one of the guys you had running the bar! We haven’t stopped talking about it since we got home. Great venue, nice people and well organised. We are relatively new and its only when we got back home and thought about some of the things that went on did we realise that it could probably have been better for us if we had known what signals to look for and interpreted them! Can we come again now we know?!! We would very much like to attend a Manchester party when you have one later in the year. [New couple 38 & 36]
Thanks again for another great party. Everything was superb and we enjoyed ourselves immensely. It was ood to see the lounge used for nudery and rudery as well as the playrooms. It was fab to see [deleted] — those guys are great. Also, [deleted] were a fantastic and interesting couple, and should definitely come again! He is a superstud, and she is lovely! And as usual, it’s always good to see [deleted] — we’d miss them if they weren’t there! We stayed up all night, so we’re catching up on sleep now.
[Regular couple 32 & 31, male partner]
Really enjoyed ourselves and felt completely relaxed and at ease on our first visit. Met some lovely, friendly people and thought the organization was top notch. We would love to come again so please consider us! Hopefully, next time, better biological timing will allow me to relax and enjoy the night to the full! Yours with hopeful expectations
[New couple 35 & 39]
What a great party, interesting mixture of people, again some very sexy couples, nice single girl, [deleted] I think her name was. All friendly and fun. New couples we liked and had fun with, [deleted] and her bloke from Manchester, she was yummy 🙂 [Deleted], my goodness never have I played with a girl that horney! [deleted] from Cambridge, stunning, v friendly, [deleted] good to see her again, sexy princess, she loves to dance, such a sweetie. [deleted], now that girl has class, I think she’s French right? Guy with big hair, WOW, he was funny and friendly, the couple with their punk hair do, great laugh, very nice. Yep, had fun once again, preferred 3 party to the 2 one. Nice to see some people we met last month. Off to Amsterdam this bank holiday w/end, our application form will be put in the post for last w/end in September. Looking fwd to seeing you lovely people then. Have a good rest of your month.
[Regular couple 27 & 32]
Just wanted to say a huge thank you from both [male partner] and I for a fantastic time last night. We had the most awesome evening and wanted to congratulate you on a truley wonderfull party. We found it to be full of beautiful people and so professionally run. We were very impressed by the venue, the friendly staff, the relaxed atmosphere and not to mention once again………..the beautiful people ;-). Hope to be invited back to another one in near future. Thanks once again and keep on partying!!!!!
[New couple 27 & 26]
Thank you so much for sharing the Fever experience with us. Right from the moment the door opened we were made to feel as comfortable as possible considering our nerves surrounding opportunities we knew we would soon be tempted to avail ourselves of. It was difficult making idle cocktail chit chat, all the while trying to muster the courage to make our fantasies come true, and many regulars were able to see what we were grappeling with and definitely quelled our nerves and answered any questions we had. The atmosphere was perfect, music just right, and once the crowds thinned a little in the lounge, the temperature was just right too. Standing at the balcony feeling the cool breeze off the river and watching the lights reflect off the water was quite sensual and set the tone beautifully for the evening. It was almost too much when I noticed the swan couple at the river’s edge (surely you didn’t plan that too did you?).
Later, when the crowds in the lounge dispersed and we discovered where everyone had relocated to I will have to admit that I was a little shocked. Witnessing the scene that I had anticipated for so long – so many beautiful bodies writhing in pleasure on the huge bed – had no effect on my arousal or my partners- and I initially felt terrible for not reacting as I thought I would. We retreated to the lounge where we discussed our reaction with a regular couple who expressed that maybe we weren’t ready for that yet. We ended up in a now almost vacant smaller playroom as a foursome and we were both very pleased with the affect that the more intimate personal atmosphere had.
The fundamental concept that makes the Fever experience unique and at the same time arousing to all is that you can take part in whatever you are ready for, change your mind at any time, and push the limit as far as you are ready to as a couple – no pressure, no hard feelings. What an incredible and safe atmosphere to play out your fantasies. The people there were amazing. It was a fascinating group of people- so much diversity, if it was a cocktail party alone it would be an experience to never forget – factor in the uninhibited quest for mutual physical pleasure and I am left with a night that will be replayed in my mind for years to come!
[First timer from Canada 28]